
n. 泡沫
vi. 冒泡, 沸腾
vt. 使冒泡, 滔滔不绝地说
【医】 泡(水泡,气泡), 水泡音
bubble n 1 floating ball formed of liquid and containing air or gas (液体形成的)气泡: soap bubbles 肥皂泡
Children love blowing bubbles. 儿童爱吹泡泡. 2 ball of air or gas in a liquid or a solidified liquid such as glass (液体或由液体变成的固体, 如玻璃, 中存留的)气泡
Champagne is full of bubbles. 香槟酒有很多气泡.
This glass vase has a bubble in its base. 这个玻璃花瓶底座里有一个气泡. 3 (idm 习语) prick the bubble => prick2. bubble, v 1 [I] (of a liquid) rise in or form bubbles; boil (指液体)起泡, 沸腾
stew bubbling in the pot 在锅里冒著泡的炖肉. 2 [I] make the sound of bubbles 发出气泡声
a bubbling stream/fountain 汩汩的溪流[泉水]. 3 [I, Ipr, Ip] ~ (over) (with sth) (fig 比喻) be full of (usu happy) feelings 充满(通常指喜悦的)感情
be bubbling (over) with excitement, enthusiasm, high spirits, etc 充满激动、兴奋、高昂等情绪. 4 (phr v) bubble along, out, over, up, etc move in the specified direction in bubbles or with a bubbling sound 向某方向汩汩地流动
a spring bubbling out of the ground 汩汩冒出地面的泉水
Gases from deep in the earth bubble up through the lake. 地下深处的气体从湖底冒了出来.