
n. 撞击, 肿块
vt. 碰撞
vi. 撞, 颠簸而行
【机】 碰撞, 撞击, 暴沸
bump into sb on the road
bump into sb
bump sb off
bump sth up
bump v 1 [Ipr] ~ against/into sb/sth knock or strike sth with a dull-sounding blow; collide with sth 碰撞或敲击某物(发出低沉响声); 与某物相撞
In the dark I bumped into a chair. 我在黑暗中碰到了椅子.
The car bumped against the kerb. 汽车撞上了路边石. 2 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (against/on sth) hit or knock sth (esp a part of the body) (against sth) (尤指身体的一部分)碰、撞某物
bump one´s head (on the ceiling) 自己的头碰著了(天花板)
The driver bumped the kerb while reversing. 司机倒车时撞著了路边石. =>Usage at bang1 用法见bang1. 3 (phr v) bump along, down, etc move with a jolting action in the specified direction 颠簸而行
The old bus bumped along the mountain road. 旧公共汽车沿著山路颠簸行驶. bump into sb (infml 口) meet sb by chance 碰见某人; 偶遇; 巧遇
Guess who I bumped into today? 你猜我今天碰见谁了? bump sb off (sl 俚) kill or murder sb 杀死某人; 谋杀某人. bump sth up (infml 口) increase or raise sth 增加或提高某事物
bump up prices, salaries, etc 提高物价、薪金等. bump, n 1 (dull sound of a) blow, knock or impact; collision (发出低沉响声的)撞击, 碰撞, 冲撞, 相撞
The two children collided with a bump. 两个孩子砰的一声撞上了.
The passengers felt a violent bump as the plane landed. 飞机著陆时, 乘客感到猛烈的冲撞. 2 swelling on the body, esp one caused by a blow; lump or bulge 肿胀, 肿块(尤指因碰撞所致); 隆起; 凸起
covered in bumps and bruises 遍布肿块和挫伤
get a nasty bump on the head 头上起了一个大包. 3 uneven patch on a surface 物体表面上的隆起物
a road with a lot of bumps in it 有一块块隆起的路. bump, adv 1 with a bump; suddenly 砰的一声; 突然地
He fell off the ladder and landed bump on the ground. 他从梯子上砰的一声跌到地上. 2 (idm 习语) things that go bump in the night => thing.