
n. 屠夫, 肉商, 小贩
vt. 屠宰, 屠杀
【法】 残杀者, 屠杀者, 刽子手
butcher n 1 person whose job is killing animals for food or cutting up and selling meat 屠夫; 肉商
buy meat at the butcher´s (shop) 在肉铺买肉. 2 (derog 贬) person who kills people unnecessarily and brutally 妄杀无辜者; 刽子手
a mindless butcher of innocent people 滥杀无辜毫无人性的刽子手. butcher, v [Tn] 1 kill and prepare (animals) for meat 屠宰. 2 (derog 贬) kill (people or animals) unnecessarily and brutally 屠杀, 滥杀, 残杀(人或动物)
Women and children were butchered by the rebels. 妇女和儿童遭到叛乱者的屠杀. 3 (fig 比喻) make a mess of (sth); ruin 将(某事物)弄得一团糟; 毁坏
None of the cast can act at all they´re butchering the play. 这班演员中没有一个人会演戏--他们把这个戏演得一团糟.