
n. 呼叫, 访问, 打电话, 号召, 召集, 要求
vt. 呼叫, 召集, 打电话
vi. 叫喊, 访问, 叫牌
【计】 调用; 呼叫; DOS内部命令:在批处理文件中调用另一个批处理文件
【经】 要求, 叫价
call black white
call after
call a spade a spade
call away
call back
call down
call sb down for
call for
call forth
call by
call A B
call at
call off
call sb out
call over
call sb's attention to sth
call together
call up
on call
within call
no call for
call out
call sb up

call n 1 [C] shout; cry 呼喊; 喊叫: a call for help 大声呼救
They came at my call, ie when I shouted to them. 我把他们喊来了. 2 [C] characteristic cry of a bird (鸟的)鸣叫, 啼叫. 3 [C] signal sounded on a horn, bugle, etc 喇叭、 军号等的号声. 4 [C] short visit (to sb´s house) (到某人家)拜访
pay a call on a friend 访友
The doctor has five calls to make this morning. 今早大夫要去五家出诊.
We must return her call, ie visit her because she visited us. 我们得到她家回访. 5 [C] (also `phone call, ring) act of telephoning; conversation on the telephone 打电话; 用电话交谈
give sb/make/receive/return a call 给某人打[拨/接/回]电话
Were there any calls for me while I was out? 我出去的时候, 有人来过电话吗? 6 (a) [C] order, signal or invitation, esp to come or meet; summons 命令, 信号, 邀请(尤指使之前来或相见); 召唤
The Prime Minister is waiting for a call to the Palace. 首相待召进宫.
An actor´s call tells him when to go on stage. 有个演员示意让他到时上场.
This is the last call for passengers travelling on flight BA 199 to Rome. 乘坐英航199号班机飞往罗马的乘客, 这是最後一次通知.
(fig 比喻) He answered the call of duty and enlisted in the army. 他应徵入伍. (b) [sing] ~ (of sth) inner urge to follow a course of action or profession; vocation 感召; 神召
feel the call (of the priesthood) 感到(教士圣职的)神召. (c) [sing] ~ of sth attraction or fascination of (a particular place or activity) (某处或某活动的)吸引力, 诱惑力
the call of the sea, of the wild, of faraway places, etc 大海、 荒野、 遥远地方等的吸引力. (d) [C] ~ for sth request or demand for sth 对某事物的要求或号召
The President made a call for national unity. 总统号召全国人民团结起来.
There were calls for the Prime Minister´s resignation from the Opposition parties. 在反对党中, 有人要求首相辞职. 7 [U] ~ for sth (esp in negative sentences and questions 尤用於否定句及疑问句中) need or occasion for sth 对某事物的需要, 必要或理由
There isn´t much call for such things these days. 这种东西近来需求量不大.
There was no call for such rudeness. 没必要这麽粗暴. 8 [C] ~ on sb/sth demand on sb/sth 对某人[某事物]的需求
He is a busy man with many calls on his time. 他很忙, 有很多事需要花时间去做. 9 [C] (in card-games) player´s bid or turn to bid (纸牌戏中)叫牌, 轮到叫牌
It´s your call, partner. 伙伴, 该你叫牌了. 10 (idm 习语) at one´s/sb´s beck and call => beck2. a call of `nature (euph 婉) need to urinate or defecate 要?quot;慊虼蟊? a close call => close1. (be) on `call (esp of a doctor) available for work if necessary (尤指医生)随叫随到
Who´s on call tonight? 今晚谁值班? a port of call => port1. within `call near enough to hear sb shouting (for help, etc) 在(求救等)喊声能听到的范围内; 附近. call v 1 [I, Ipr, Ip, Tn, Tn.p] ~ (out) to sb (for sth); ~ (sth) (out) say (sth) loudly to attract sb´s attention; shout; cry 大声说(某事物)以引起别人注意; 喊; 叫
I thought I heard sb calling. 我好像听见有人喊叫.
Why didn´t you come when I called (out) (your name)? 我喊(出)(你名字)的时候, 你为什麽不来?
She called to her father for help. 她向父亲喊叫求救.
The injured soldiers called out in pain. 受伤的士兵疼得大叫.
The teacher called out the children´s names, eg to check they were all present. 教师大声点名(如考勤). 2 [I] (of a bird or an animal) make its characteristic cry (指禽兽)叫. 3 [Tn,, Tn.p, Dn.n,] order or ask (sb/sth) to come (to a specified place) by shouting, telephoning, writing, etc; summon (通过喊叫、 电话、 文字等)命令或要求(某人[某物])来(到某处); 召唤
call the fire brigade, the police, a doctor, an ambulance, etc 叫消防队、 警察、 医生、 救护车等
Call the children (in)
it´s time for tea. 叫孩子们(进来), 该吃下午茶点了.
Several candidates were called for a second interview. 有几个候选人被叫来作第二次面试.
The doctor has been called (away) to an urgent case. 医生被叫去看急症病人了.
The ambassador was called back to London by the Prime Minister. 大使被首相召回伦敦.
I have to be at the airport in 20 minutes please call (me) a taxi. 我20分钟後得到机场--请(给我)叫辆计程车.
call sb´s attention to sth, ie invite sb to examine or think carefully about sth 叫某人注意某事. 4 (a) [I, Ipr, Ip] ~ (in/round) (on sb/at...) (for sb/sth) make a short visit; go to sb´s house, etc (to get sth or to go somewhere with him)拜访; 去某人家等(取某物或与他去某处)
Let´s call (in) on John/at John´s house. 咱们去拜访约翰吧[去约翰家吧].
He was out when I called (round) (to see him). 我去拜访(探望他)的时候, 他不在家.
I´ll call for (ie collect) you at 7 o´clock. 我7点钟到你家接你.
Will you call in at the supermarket for some eggs and milk? 你顺便去超级市场买些鸡蛋和牛奶好吗? =>Usage at visit 用法见visit. (b) [Ipr] ~ at... (of a train, etc) stop at (a place) (指火车等)在(某处)停靠
The train on platform 3 is for London, calling at Didcot and Reading. 第3站台的火车开往伦敦, 在迪科特和雷丁停车. 5 [I, Tn] telephone (sb) 给(某人)打电话
I´ll call (you) again later. 我稍後再(给你)打电话.
My brother called me (from Leeds) last night. 我弟弟昨晚(从利兹)给我打来电话. 6 [Tn] order (sth) to take place; announce 令(某事)举行, 进行; 宣布
call a meeting, an election, a strike 举行会议、 选举、 罢工. 7 [Tn] wake (sb) 叫醒(某人)
Please call me at 7 o´clock tomorrow morning. 请在明早7点钟把我叫醒. 8 [Cn.a, Cn.n] (a) describe or address (sb/sth) as, name 给(某人[某事物])取名; 将(某人[某事物])称为或叫作
How dare you call me fat! 你怎麽敢叫我胖子!
His name is Richard but we call him Dick. 他名叫里查, 可是我们都叫他迪克.
What´s your dog called? 你的狗叫什麽名字?
(ironic 反语) He hasn´t had anything published and he calls himself a writer! 他什麽都没发表过, 却自称作家! (b) consider (sb/sth) to be; regard as 认为(某人[某事物]是; 看作
I call his behaviour mean and selfish. 我认为他的行为卑鄙、 自私.
I would never call German an easy language. 我认为德语可不容易学.
How can you be so unkind and still call yourself my friend? 你怎麽能这麽不通人情, 还自称是我的朋友?
You owe me £5.04 let´s call it £5, ie settle the sum at £5. 你欠我5.04英镑--就算5英镑吧. 9 [I, Tn] (in card-games) declare (a trump suit, etc); bid (纸牌戏中)定(王牌等); 叫牌
Have you called yet? 你叫牌了吗?
Who called hearts? 谁定的红桃? 10 (idm 习语) be/feel called to (do) sth be/feel summoned to a particular profession or vocation 被召[感召]任某种职务或使命
be called to the bar, ie become a barrister 成为讼务律师
feel called to the ministry/the priesthood 被牧师[教士]使命感召. bring/call sb/sth to mind => mind1. call sb´s `bluff challenge sb to do what he is threatening to do (believing that he will not dare to do it) 要求某人摊牌(迫使某人做他威胁要做的事--认为他不敢做); 向某人挑战. call a `halt (to sth) stop (work, a habit, etc) 停止(工作); 改掉(某习惯)
Let´s call a halt (to the meeting) and continue tomorrow. 咱们暂停(会议), 明天接著开. call sth into being (fml 文) create sth 创造某事物. call sth into play bring sth into operation 发挥; 发扬; 发动; 调动
Chess is a game that calls into play all one´s powers of concentration. 下国际象棋要全神贯注才行. call sth in/into `question doubt sth or cause sth to be doubted 怀疑某事物; 使某事物受怀疑
His honesty has never been called in question. 他的诚实从未有人怀疑过. call it a `day (infml 口) decide or agree to stop (doing sth) temporarily or permanently 决定或同意暂时或永久停止(进行某事物)
After forty years in politics he thinks it´s time to call it a day, ie to retire. 他从政四十年, 认为该结束了(退休). call it `quits (infml 口) agree to stop a contest, quarrel, etc on even terms (同意不分胜负)停止比赛、 争吵等. call sb `names jeer at or insult sb 嘲弄或侮辱某人. call sth one´s `own claim sth as one´s property 声称某事物归自己所有
He has nothing he can call his own. 他一无所有. call the `shots/the `tune (infml 口) be in a position to control a situation 控制; 操纵; 定调子. call a spade a `spade speak plainly and frankly 直言不讳. call sb to account (for/over sth) make sb explain (an error, a loss, etc) 使某人解释(错误、 损失等)
His boss called him to account for failing to meet the deadline. 老板叫他解释未能按时完成的原因. call sb/sth to order ask (people in a meeting) to be silent so that business may start or continue 要求(与会者)安静(以便开始或继续进行正事). he who pays the piper calls the tune => pay2. the pot calling the kettle black => pot1. 11 (phr v) call by (infml 口) visit a place or a person briefly when passing 顺路参观某处或探望某人
Could you call by on your way home? 你回家的时候, 能顺路来一下吗?