
n. 意外事故, 伤亡, 受害者
【化】 事故
【医】 变故, 伤亡

casualty n 1 person who is killed or injured in war or in an accident (战争或事故中的)伤亡者
Heavy casualties were reported (ie It was reported that many people had been killed) in the fighting. 据报战斗中伤亡惨重(很多人被杀).
(fig 比喻) Mr Jones was the first casualty of the firm´s cut-backs, ie the first to lose his job because of them. 琼斯先生在公司裁员中首当其冲(第一个被裁掉).
[attrib 作定语] a casualty list 伤亡名单. 2 thing that is lost, damaged or destroyed in an accident 事故中损失的物品
The cottage was a casualty of the forest fire. 那小屋被森林大火烧毁. 3 (also `casualty ward, `casualty department, US emergency) part of a hospital where people who have been hurt in accidents are taken for urgent treatment 急诊室.