
n. 海峡, 航道, 频道
vt. 引导, 在...上挖沟, 形成河道
【计】 信道, 通道
【化】 槽; 沟通道; 联箱; 波道; 频道
【医】 管, 沟, 经针灸
【经】 路线, 途径, 系统

channel n 1 [C] (a) sunken bed of a river, stream or canal 河床. (b) passage along which a liquid may flow (液体的)通道. 2 [C] navigable part of a stretch of water, deeper than the parts on either side of it 航道
The channel is marked by buoys. 航道有?quot;瓯昝? 3 (a) [C] stretch of water joining two seas 海峡. (b) the Channel [sing] = the English Channel (English)
[attrib 作定语] The Channel crossing was very calm. 这次横渡英吉利海峡风平浪静. 4 [C] (fig 比喻) any way by which news, information, etc may travel (新闻、 信息等传递的)途径, 线路
Your complaint must be made through the proper channels. 你的意见必须通过正当途径投诉.
He has secret channels of information. 他有秘密的消息来源. 5 [C] (a) band of frequencies (frequency 2) used for broadcasting a particular set of radio or television programmes 频道. (b) particular television station 某电视台
What´s your favourite channel? 你喜欢哪个电视台? channel, v (-ll-; US also -l-) 1 [Tn] form a channel or channels in (sth) 在(某物)上形成槽或沟
Deep grooves channelled the soft rock. 在软岩石上形成许多深槽. 2 [Tn,] carry (sth) in a channel; direct 经水道运送(某物); 引导
Water is channelled through a series of irrigation canals. 把水引入一系列灌溉渠中.
(fig 比喻) We must channel all our energies into the new scheme. 我们必须把一切精力都用到新的计划上.