
n. 图表, 海图
vt. 制成图表
【计】 图表
【医】 图, 表

chart n 1 [C] (a) detailed map used to help navigation at sea, showing coasts, rocks, the depth of the sea, etc 航海图
a naval chart 海军航图. (b) similar map for navigation by air 航空地图. 2 [C] map, diagram, graph or table giving clear information, esp about sth that changes over a period of time 地图; 示意图; 曲线图或表: a weather chart 天气图
a temperature chart, ie one showing changes in a person´s temperature 体温图表
a sales chart, ie one showing the level of a company´s sales 销售图. =>illus 见插图. Cf 参看 map, plan 2. 3 the charts [pl] weekly list of the best-selling pop music records (流行音乐唱片最畅销的)每周选录. chart, v 1 [Tn] make a chart of (sth); map 绘制(某事物)的图表; 绘制...的地图. 2 [Tn] record or follow (sth) on or as if on a chart (犹如)在图表上记录或跟踪某事物
Scientists are carefully charting the progress of the spacecraft. 科学家密切跟踪航天器的运行.