
n. 胸, 胸部, 衣柜, 箱子
【医】 胸, 胸廓
【经】 金库, 箱子
get something off one's chest

chest n 1 large strong box for storing or shipping things in 大箱子: a `tea chest 茶叶箱
a `medicine chest 药品箱 * a `tool chest 工具箱. 2 upper front part of the body from the neck to the stomach 胸部
a hairy chest 多毛的胸部
What size are you round the chest? 你的胸围是多少?
[attrib 作定语] `chest pains 胸部疼痛
a `chest cold, ie one that affects the lungs 重感冒. =>illus at human 见human之插图. 3 (idm 习语) ,get sth off one´s `chest (infml 口) say sth that one has wanted to say for a long time 说出积存已久的话
You´re obviously worried about something; why not get it off your chest? 你显然有心事, 何不一吐为快? hold/keep one´s cards close to one´s chest => card1.