
n. 寒冷, 寒意, 失意
a. 寒冷的, 冷漠的
vt. 使寒心, 冷冻
vi. 变冷
【化】 急冷
【医】 受寒, 寒战

chill n 1 [sing] unpleasant coldness in the air, in the body, in water, etc 寒冷
There´s quite a chill in the air this morning. 今晨空气很寒冷. 2 [C] illness caused by cold and damp, with shivering of the body; feverish cold 受寒; 著凉; 感冒发烧: catch a chill 著凉. 3 [sing] (fig 比喻) feeling of gloom or depression 冷淡; 寒心
The bad news cast a chill over the gathering. 这坏消息使参加聚会的人颇为扫兴. chill, v 1 [Tn] make (sb/sth) cold 使(某人)感到冷; 使(某物)冷却
The March wind chilled us. 三月的风使我们感到十分寒冷.
(fig 比喻) His sinister threat chilled (ie frightened) all who heard it. 他这一凶恶的威胁使所有听到的人不寒而栗. 2 (a) [I, Tn] (cause food and drink to) become cool, eg in a refrigerator (指食物和饮料)变凉或冷却(如在冰箱中)
Let the pudding chill for an hour. 把布?quot;蛞恍∈?
This wine is best served chilled. 这种葡萄酒最好冷饮. (b) [Tn] preserve (food) at a low temperature without freezing it 冷藏(在低温而未冰冻的情况下保存)(食物)
chilled beef 冷藏的牛肉. 3 [Tn] lessen (sth); dampen 减少(某事物); 减轻
The raw weather chilled our enthusiasm for a swim. 天气阴冷, 我们游泳的兴致大减. 4 (idm 习语) chill sb to the `bone/`marrow make sb very cold 使某人感到非常冷
Come by the fire you must be chilled to the marrow! 到火旁边来吧--你一定冻坏了. chill, adj = chilly: a chill wind 寒风.