
n. 屑片, 薄片, 碎片
vt. 削, 切, 削成碎片, 使摔倒, 凿
vi. 削下屑片
【计】 孔屑; 组件; 晶片; 芯片
【化】 切屑
【医】 碎片
as dry as a chip
have a chip on one's shoulder
chip sth away
chip away at
not care a chip for

chip n 1 thin piece cut or broken off from wood, stone, china, glass, etc (木、 石、 瓷、 玻璃等切割下或碰下的)薄片, 破片, 碎块, 碎屑: a chip of wood 木屑. 2 place from which such a piece has been broken (这种碎块所留下的)缺损处
This mug has a chip in it. 这个缸子上有个缺口. =>illus 见插图. 3 (US French `fry) (usu pl 通常作复数) thin strip of potato fried in deep fat 炸马铃薯条
a plate of chips 一盘炸土豆条 *,fish and `chips, ie fish coated in batter, fried and served with chips 炸鱼和炸土豆条. =>illus at potato 见potato之插图. 4 (US) = crisp n. 5 flat plastic counter2(1) used to represent money, esp in gambling 筹码(用以代钱, 尤用於赌博). 6 = microchip. 7 (also `chip shot) (esp in golf and football) shot or kick that travels steeply upwards and then lands within a short distance (尤指高尔夫球和足球)高球. 8 (idm 习语) a ,chip off the old `block (infml 口) person (esp a man or boy) who is like his father in character 性格像父亲的人(尤指男的). have a `chip on one´s shoulder (infml 口) be bitter, resentful or defiant because one feels that one´s past, background, physical appearance, etc, causes other people to be prejudiced against one 因感到自己的过去、 背景、 外貌等使别人产生偏见而怀恨、 不满或对抗
She´s got a chip on her shoulder about not having gone to university. 她因为没有进入大学而愤愤不平. have had one´s `chips (Brit sl 俚) be dead, dying or defeated 已死、 垂死或受挫. when the chips are down (infml 口) when a crisis point is reached 危急关头
When the chips were down he found the courage to carry on. 他在关键时刻勇於坚持到底. chip v 1 (a) [Tn] break or cut (sth) at the edge or surface (在边缘或表面)打破或切削(某物)
a badly chipped saucer 边缘严重破损的碟子
chip a tooth 锛了牙齿
He chipped one of my best glasses. 他碰坏了我最好的玻璃杯. =>illus 见插图. (b) [I] (tend to) break at the edge or surface (易於)从边缘或表面破裂
Be careful with these plates they chip very easily. 小心这些盘子--边缘容易破损.
The paint is chipping badly. 油漆在严重剥落. 2 (a) [, Tn.p] ~ sth from/off sth; ~ sth off break or cut (a small piece) from the edge or surface of sth 从某物的边缘或表面折下或切下(一小块)
A piece was chipped off the piano when we moved house. 我们搬家时钢琴碰掉了一小块.
We chipped the old plaster (away) (ie removed it in small pieces) from the wall. 我们把旧墙皮从墙上铲掉. (b) [Ipr, Ip] ~ off (sth) be broken off in small pieces 呈小块掉下; 剥落
The paint has chipped off where the table touches the wall. 桌子接触墙壁的地方漆皮已剥落. 3 [Tn] shape or carve (sth) by cutting the edge or surface (with an axe, chisel, etc) (用斧、 凿等切削边缘或表面)雕刻(某物)或使(某物)成形; 砍成; 凿成. 4 [Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态] make (potatoes) into chips (chip1 3) 将(土豆)切成小条
chipped potatoes 土豆条. 5 [I, Tn] (esp in golf and football, etc) strike or kick (the ball) so that it travels steeply upwards and then lands within a short distance (尤指高尔夫球或足球)打高或踢高(球). 6 (phr v) chip away at sth continuously break off small pieces from sth 从某物上不断除去小块
chipping away at a block of marble with a chisel 用凿子在大理石上不停地凿
(fig 比喻) He kept chipping away at the problem until he had solved it. 他一直在琢磨这一问题, 直到把它解决为止. chip in (with sth) (infml 口) (a) join in or interrupt a conversation 参加谈话或插嘴
She chipped in with some interesting remarks. 她插进一些话, 说得很有趣. (b) contribute (money) 凑(钱); 捐(款)
If everyone chips `in we´ll be able to buy her a really nice leaving present. 若每个人都凑些钱, 就能真正给她买件好的送别礼物.