n. 市民, 公民
【法】 公民, 国民, 市民
1 person who has full rights as a member of a country, either by birth or by being granted such rights 公民
an American citizen 美国公民
She is German by birth but is now a French citizen. 她在德国出生而现在是法国公民.
2 person who lives in a town or city 市民
the citizens of Rome 罗马市民.
3 (esp US) = civilian. citizen, NOTE ON USAGE 用法
Citizen and subject both indicate a person who has the rights given by a state to its members, eg the right to vote. *citizen和subject 二词均指享有国家给予的权利(如选举权)的人. Subject is used when the state is ruled by a monarch. *subject用於君主制国家. Citizen is used in all types of state but especially republics *citizen用於任何类型的国家, 但尤用於共和国
a British subject/citizen 英国的臣民[公民]
a French citizen 法国的公民.