
n. 爪, 螯, 抓伤
vt. 用爪抓, 挖, 搜刮
vi. 用爪抓, 挖, 搜刮
【医】 爪; 牙钥爪
claw off
put the claw on sb
claw hold of

claw n 1 (a) any of the pointed nails (nail1) on the feet of some mammals, birds and reptiles 爪(某些哺乳类、 鸟类和爬行类动物的尖利脚趾甲)
Cats have sharp claws. 猫有尖爪. (b) (esp in birds) foot with claws (尤指鸟类)带爪的脚
The eagle held a mouse in its claws. 鹰用爪抓住了老鼠. 2 pincers of a shellfish (甲壳类动物的)钳, 螯
a lobster´s claw 龙虾的螯. =>illus at shellfish 见shellfish之插图. 3 mechanical device like a claw, used for gripping and lifting things 爪形器具(用以抓住或提起物件). 4 (idm 习语) get one´s claws into sb (infml 口) (esp of a woman) attach oneself to (a partner) in a determined way (尤指女子)依附於伴侣
She´s really got her claws into him! 她完全依靠他了! claw, v 1 [Ipr, Tn] ~ (at) sb/sth (try to) scratch or tear sb/sth with a claw or claws or with one´s finger-nails (试图)用爪或指甲抓或撕某人[某物]; 搔; 挠; 刮
The cats clawed at each other. 猫用爪子互相抓.
The prisoner clawed at the cell door in desperation. 囚犯绝望地乱抓牢房的门.
His face was badly clawed. 他的脸给抓坏了. 2 (idm 习语) claw one´s way across, up, through, etc move across, etc by using the claws or the hands 用爪或手爬行过去等
They slowly clawed their way up the cliff. 他们缓慢地爬上峭壁. 3 (phr v) claw sth back (of a government) recover, esp by taxation, money paid as an allowance to people who are not thought to need financial help (指政府)(尤指用税收)收回认为不需资助者的补助金.