
n. 外套
vt. 外面覆盖, 给...穿外套
【医】 衣, 膜, 层
lace sb's coat
smoke sb's coat
take off one's coat
trail one's coat
turn one's coat
cut one's coat according to one's cloth
dust sb's coat

coat n 1 long outer garment with sleeves, usu fastened at the front with buttons 大衣
a waterproof, fur, leather, etc coat 防水的、 皮毛的、 皮革的等大衣. 2 woman´s jacket worn with a skirt (与裙子配套穿的女用)短外套
a tweed coat and skirt 粗花呢的外套和裙子. 3 fur, hair or wool covering an animal´s body (动物的)皮毛
a dog with a smooth, shaggy, etc coat 长有光滑毛的、 粗毛的狗
animals in their winter coats, ie grown long for extra warmth 长有冬季皮毛的动物(毛长而更保暖). 4 layer of paint or some other substance put on a surface at one time (涂颜料等的)一层
give sth a second coat of paint 在某物上涂上第二层颜料. 5 (idm 习语) ,cut one´s `coat ac,cording to one´s `cloth (saying 谚) spend money or produce sth within the limits of what one can afford 量力而行; 量入为出
We wanted to buy a bigger house than this but we had to cut our coat according to our cloth. 我们原想买比这个大些的房子, 但是得量力而为呀. turn one´s coat desert one side, party, etc and join another, esp because it is profitable or advantageous to do so 背弃自己的一方、 党派等而加入另一方(尤指因有利可图或有好处); 变节; 背叛; 改变立场. coat, v [Tn,] ~ sb/sth (in/with sth) cover sb/sth with a layer of sth 为某人[某物]加上一层东西
coat fish in batter 把鱼蘸上一层面、 蛋、 奶调成的糊
biscuits coated with chocolate 外层有巧克力的饼乾
furniture coated with dust 落上灰尘的家具
a coated tongue 有苔的舌头. coating n 1 [C] thin layer or covering 薄层; 外层
a coating of wax, chocolate, paint 一层蜡、 巧克力、 颜料. 2 [U] material for making coats (coat 1, 2) (做大衣或女外套的)面料.