
n. 四轮大马车, 教练
vt. 训练, 指导
vi. 坐马车旅行, 作指导

coach n 1 bus (usu with a single deck) for carrying passengers over long distances 长途公共汽车(通常指单层的)
travel by overnight coach to Scotland 乘坐夜间长途汽车去苏格兰
[attrib 作定语] a coach station 长途汽车站
a coach tour of Italy 乘长途汽车游览意大利. 2 = carriage 2. 3 large four-wheeled carriage pulled by horses and used (esp formerly) for carrying passengers 四轮大马车(尤指旧时载客的)
a `stage-coach 公共马车. 4 (idm 习语) drive a coach and horses through sth => drive1. coach n 1 person who trains sportsmen, esp for contests (运动员的)教练
a tennis, football, swimming, etc coach 网球、 足球、 游泳等的教练. 2 teacher who gives private lessons to prepare students for examinations (私人的)辅导教师. coach, v (a) [Tn,] ~ sb (for/in sth) teach or train sb, esp for an examination or a sporting contest 辅导或训练某人(尤指为参加考试或比赛)
coach a swimmer for the Olympics 训练准备参加奥林匹克运动会的游泳运动员
coach sb in maths 辅导某人数学
She has talent but she will need coaching. 她有天分, 但需要指导. (b) [I] work or act as a coach 辅导或训练的工作或活动
She´ll be coaching all summer. 她整个夏天将要作辅导工作. =>Usage at teach 用法见teach.