
n. 命令, 指挥, 控制, 部队, 司令部
vt. 命令, 指挥, 控制
vi. 命令, 指挥, 控制
【计】 命令; 指令; DOS外部命令:启动新的命令处理器
【经】 指令, 控制, 博得
under the command of
at command
be at sb's command
do sth at sb's command
get command of
take command of

command v 1 [I, Tn, Tf, Dn.t] (of sb in authority) tell (sb) that he must do sth; order (指有权者)叫(某人)必须做某事; 命令
Do as I command (you). 照我命令(你的)去做.
(fml 文) The tribunal has commanded that all copies of the book (must) be destroyed. 法庭命令(必须)将这本书的所有?quot;径枷?
The officer commanded his men to fire. 军官命令士兵开火. =>Usage at order2 用法见order2. 2 [I, Tn] have authority (over sb/sth); be in control (of) 有(支配某人[某事物])的权力; 控制
Does seniority give one the right to command? 难道年长资深就有权发号施令吗?
The ship´s captain commands all the officers and men. 舰长统率舰上全体官兵. 3 [Tn no passive 不用於被动语态] be able to use (sth); have at one´s disposal 能使用(某事物); 由某人随意支配; 掌握; 掌管
command funds, skill, resources, etc 掌握资金、 技巧、 资源等
She commands great wealth, ie is very rich. 她很富有.
A government minister commands the services of many officials. 政府部长掌管许多官员的工作.
(fig 比喻) The house commands a fine view, ie A fine view can be seen from it. 从这所房子处可一览优美景色. 4 [Tn no passive 不用於被动语态] deserve and get (sth) 应得; 值得; 博得
Great men command our respect. 伟人受到我们尊敬.
The plight of the famine victims commands everyone´s sympathy. 饥民的苦境值得大家同情. 5 [Tn no passive 不用於被动语态] (of a place, fort, etc) be positioned so as to control (sth) (指地方、 堡垒等)因地利而能控制(某事物)
The castle commanded the entrance to the valley. 该城堡控制著峡谷的入口. command n 1 [C] (a) order 命令: Her commands were quickly obeyed. 她的命令已迅速执行.
Give your commands in a loud, confident voice. 发命令声音要洪亮、 坚定. (b) (computing 计) instruction to a computer (给计算机的)指令. 2 [U] (esp military 尤用於军事) control; authority (used esp with the vs and preps shown) 控制, 指挥(尤与下列动词和介词连用)
to have/take command of a regiment, etc 负责[担任]团等部队的指挥
He should not be given command of troops. 不应该把部队的指挥权交给他.
Who is in command (ie in charge) here? 这里由谁负责?
General Smith is in command of the army. 史密斯将军统率陆军.
The army is under the command of General Smith. 这支军队由史密斯将军指挥.
He has twenty men under his command. 他指挥著二十人. 3 Command [C] part of an army, air force, etc organized and controlled separately (单独组织指挥的)陆军、 空军等的一部分; 部队; 军区
Western Command 西部部队
Bomber Command 轰炸机组的指挥部. 4 [U, sing] ~ (of sth) ability to use or control sth; mastery 使用或控制某事物的能力; 掌握
He has (a) good command of the French language, ie can speak it well. 他精通法语.
He has enormous funds at his command. 他掌握著巨额资金.
He has no command over himself, ie cannot control his feelings, temper, etc. 他不能克制自己. 5 (idm 习语) at/by sb´s com`mand (fml 文) having been ordered by sb 奉某人之命的; 受某人指挥的
I am here at the King´s command. 在下奉谕旨至此. at the word of command => word. be at sb´s com`mand be ready to obey sb 听候某人吩咐. your wish is my command => wish.