
n. 交流, 交通, 通讯
【计】 通信
【经】 通讯, 传达, 交通

communication n 1 [U] act of communicating(1b, 2a, 2b) 传递; 传播; 交流; 交换; 传达; 表达; 传意; 通信; 通讯; 联络
the communication of disease 疾病的传染
Being deaf and dumb makes communication very difficult. 又聋又哑很难与人交往. 2 [C] (usu fml 通常作文雅语) thing that is communicated; message (被传递的)事物; 信息; 消息
to receive a secret communication 得到一个秘密消息. 3 [U] (also communications [pl]) means of communicating, eg roads, railways, telephone and telegraph lines between places, or radio and TV 交流的方式方法或工具(如公路、 铁路、 电话及两地间的电报线路或无线电、 电视等)
Telephone communications between the two cities have been restored. 两城市间的电话联系已经恢复.
The heavy snow has prevented all communication with the highlands. 大雪阻断了与高地之间的一切联系.
[attrib 作定语] a communication satellite, link, etc 通讯卫星、 通讯线路等
a world communications network 环球通讯网. 4 (idm 习语) be in communication with sb exchange information regularly with sb, usu by letter or telephone 经常与某人互通情况(通常为通过书信或电话).