
n. 补足物, 补语, 补数
vt. 补充, 补足
【计】 补码; 反相器; 补数
【化】 补体
【医】 补体

complement n 1 ~ (to sth) thing that goes well or suitably with sth else, or makes it complete 相配合的事物; 补充物; 补足物
Rice makes an excellent complement to a curry dish. 有咖喱的菜配米饭最妙. 2 the complete number or quantity needed or allowed 需要的或允许的数额
We´ve taken on our full complement of new trainees for this year. 我们今年招收的新学员已经满额了.
the ship´s complement, ie all the officers and other sailors 船上的编制名额(全体军官和水兵或高级船员和水手). 3 (grammar) word(s), esp adjectives and nouns, used after linking verbs such as be and become, and describing the subject of the verb 补语(尤指在连系动词如be become等之後, 用以描述动词之主语的形容词或名词)
In the sentence `I´m angry´, `angry´ is the complement. 在I´m angry一句中, angry是补语. complement v [Tn] combine well (and often contrastingly) with (sth) to form a whole 与(某事物)结合(相辅相成)
His business skill complements her flair for design. 他的经营技巧和她的设计才能相辅相成. Cf 参看 compliment.