
n. 信心
【电】 可靠
take sb into one's confidence
be in sb's confidence
in confidence
have confidence in sb

confidence n 1 [U] (a) ~ (in sb/sth) firm trust (in sb, in sb´s ability, or in what is said, reported, etc) 坚定的信赖
to have/lose confidence in sb 对某人抱有[失去]信心
I have little confidence in him. 我对他没有甚麽信心.
Don´t put too much confidence in what the papers say. 不要过分相信报纸上的话.
There is a lack of confidence in the Government, ie People do not believe that its policies are wise. 人民 对政府缺乏信心. (b) feeling of certainty; trust in one´s own ability 把握; 自信心
He answered the questions with confidence. 他很有把握地回答了那个问题.
You are too shy: you should have more confidence (in yourself). 你太缩手缩脚了, 应该增强(自)信心. 2 [C] secret which is told to sb 知心话; 私房话
The two girls sat in a corner exchanging confidences. 那两个女孩子坐在角落里说著悄悄话. 3 (idm 习语) in (strict) confidence as a secret 当作秘密
I´m telling you this in (strict) confidence so don´t breathe a word of it. 我现在告诉你这件事是个(绝对的)秘密--千万不可外传. take sb into one´s confidence tell sb one´s secrets, etc 向某人吐露内心的秘密等.