
n. 作文, 创作, 组成
【化】 成分; 组成
【医】 组成, 成分
【经】 债务和解, 协议, 构成

composition n 1 [C] thing composed, eg a piece of music, a poem or a book 作品(如乐曲、 诗或书)
`Swan Lake´ is one of Tchaikovsky´s best-known compositions. 《天鹅湖》是柴可夫斯基最著名的作品之一. 2 [U] (a) action of composing sth, eg a piece of music or writing, type for printing, etc 创作
He played a piano sonata of his own composition, ie that he himself had composed. 他演奏了一首自己创作的钢琴奏鸣曲. (b) art of composing music 作曲艺术
studying composition at music school 在音乐学校学习作曲艺术. 3 [C] short piece of non-fictional writing done as a school or college exercise; essay 作文; 散文. 4 [U] the parts of which sth is made; make-up 成分; 组成部分
the composition of the soil 土壤的成分
(fig 比喻) He has a touch of madness in his composition, ie He is a little mad. 他有点疯疯癫癫的. 5 [U] arrangement of elements in a painting, photograph, etc (绘画、 摄影等的)构图
Her drawing is competent, but her composition is poor. 她的画有功力, 但布局欠佳. 6 [C, U] substance, esp an artificial one, composed of more than one material (尤指人工)合成的物质
a composition used as flooring material 合成的地板材料
[attrib 作定语] a composition floor 合成地板.