
n. 凝结物, 混凝土
a. 具体的, 实在的, 混凝土的
vt. (使)凝结, 用混凝土浇筑
vi. (使)凝结, 用混凝土浇筑
【化】 香脂; 浸膏; 混凝土
【医】 混凝土; 凝结体, 凝结物

concrete adj 1 existing in material form; that can be touched, felt, etc 以物质形式存在的; 具体的; 实体的
Physics deals with the forces acting on concrete objects. 物理学研究作用於物体上的力. Cf 参看 abstract. 2 definite; positive 确实的; 明确的; 确定的
concrete proposals, evidence, facts 明确的建议、 确实的证据; 确定的事实
The police have nothing concrete togo on. 警方没有任何确实的东西作依据. concrete n [U] building material made by mixing cement with sand, gravel, etc and water 混凝土
a slab of concrete 混凝土板
modern buildings made of concrete 用混凝土建造的现代建筑物
[attrib 作定语] a concrete path, wall, etc 混凝土的路、 墙等. concrete, v [Tn, Tn.p] ~ sth (over) cover sth with concrete 用混凝土覆盖; 铺设
concrete a road (over) 用混凝土铺路.