
n. 行为, 举动, 指导
vt. 为人, 指挥, 管理, 实施
vi. 领导, 传导, 指挥
【法】 实施, 处理, 进行
under the conduct of

conduct n[U] 1 person´s behaviour (esp its moral aspect) (人的)行为(尤指道德方面); 品德; 品行
the rules of conduct 行为准则
The prisoner was released early because of good conduct. 这罪犯因表现良好提前获释. 2 ~ of sth manner of directing or managing (a business, campaign, etc) (对业务、 作战等的)指导、 指挥、 管理或经营(的方式)
There was growing criticism of the Government´s conduct of the war. 政府领导作战的方式受到越来越多的批评. conduct v 1 [, Tn.p] lead or guide (sb/sth) 领导、 指导、 引导或带领(某人[某事物])
I asked the attendant to conduct him to the door/conduct him out. 我让服务员领他们到门口[领他出去].
A guide conducted the visitors round the museum. 导游带领游客参观博物馆.
We were given a conducted (ie guided) tour of the cathedral. 我们在有人引导下参观了大教堂. 2 (a) [Tn] direct (sth); control; manage 指挥(某事物); 控制; 操纵; 管理; 主持; 经营
conduct business, a meeting, negotiations, etc 经营生意、 主持会议、 主持谈判等
She was appointed to conduct the advertising campaign. 她被委派主持宣传活动. (b) [I, Tn] direct the performance of (an orchestra, a choir, a piece of music, etc) 指挥(管弦乐队、 合唱团、 乐曲等)的演出
a concert by the Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Sir Colin Davis 由科林?戴维斯爵士指挥、 爱乐交响乐团演出的音乐会. 3 [] ~ oneself well, badly, etc (fml 文) behave in the specified way (行为)表现
conduct oneself honourably, with dignity, like a gentleman 行为光明磊落、 端庄高尚、 像正人君子
How did the prisoner conduct himself? 那犯人表现如何? 4 [Tn] (of a substance) allow (heat, electric current, etc) to pass along or through it (指物质)传导(热、 电流等)
Copper conducts electricity better than other materials do. 铜的导电性能比其他材料好.