
n. 联系, 交际, 熟人, 接触
vi. 接触, 联系
vt. 使接触
【医】 接触; 接触人(传染病)
lose contact with
be in contact with
come into contact with
in contact with
out of contact with
make contact with

contact n 1 [U] ~ (with sb/sth) (a) state of touching (used esp with the vs shown) 接触(尤与下列示例中动词连用)
The two substances are now in contact (with each other), and a chemical reaction is occurring. 现在这两种物质(互相)接触产生了化学反应.
His hand came into contact with (ie touched) a hot surface. 他的手触到热物体的表面.
The label sticks on contact, ie when it touches a surface. 这标签一接触即可贴上.
(fig 比喻) The troops came into contact with (ie met) the enemy. 部队已与敌人交锋(遭遇).
(fig 比喻) Pupils must be brought into contact with (ie exposed to) new ideas. 应该引导学生接触新思想. (b) communication 通讯; 联系; 交往
in constant radio/telephone contact (with sb) (与某人)经常保持无线电[电话]联系
Beyond a certain distance we are out of contact with our headquarters. 我们跟总部超过一定距离通讯就会中断.
She´s lost contact with her son, ie no longer hears from him, knows where he is, etc. 她跟儿子失去了联系.
two people avoiding eye contact, ie avoiding looking directly at each other 避免目光接触的两人. 2 [C] instance of meeting or communicating 接触; 会晤; 通讯; 联系; 交往
extensive contacts with firms abroad 与国外公司的广泛的联系. 3 [C] person one has met or will meet, esp one who can be helpful 已接触或将接触的人(尤指於己有利的人)
I have a useful contact in New York. 我在纽约有个有用的人可以联系. 4 [C] (a) electrical connection 电流的接触; 电的接通
A poor contact causes power to fail occasionally. 接触不良有时会造成断电. (b) device that makes an electrical connection 接触器; 电气接头; 触头
The switches close the contacts and complete the circuit. 这些开关可使接触器接通电流形成回路. 5 [C] (medical 医) person who may be infectious because he has recently been near to sb who has a contagious disease (因接触传染病人)可能受到传染者. 6 (idm 习语) make contact (with sb/sth) succeed in speaking to or meeting sb/sth 与某人[某事物]交谈、 会晤或取得联系
They made contact with headquarters by radio. 他们用无线电跟总部联络上 了.
I finally made contact with her in Paris. 我终於在巴黎同她取得了联系. make/break `contact complete/interrupt an electric circuit 接通[切断]电流. contact v [Tn] reach (sb/sth) by telephone, radio, letter, etc; communicate with (用电话、 无线电、 书信等与某人[某事物])联系; 与...来往
Where can I contact you tomorrow? 明天我在哪里能跟你联系?