
n. 准许进入, 入场费, 录用, 承认
【经】 加入, 入股
admission n 1 [U] ~ (to/into sth) entering or being allowed to enter a building, society, school, etc 进入或获准进入某建筑物, 社团, 学校等
Admission (to the club) is restricted to members only. 只准会员进入(俱乐部).
Admission to British universities depends on examination results. 英国大学入学以考试成绩为凭.
A week after his admission into the army, he fell ill. 他入伍後一星期就病了.
Do they charge for admission? 入场要收费吗?
How does one gain admission to the Buckingham Palace? 怎样才能获准进入白金汉宫? 2 [U] money charged for being admitted to a public place 公众场所入场费; 门票钱
You have to pay 2 admission. 你须付2英镑入场费. 3 [U] ~ (of sth); ~ (that...) statement acknowledging the truth of sth; confession 承认; 招认; 供认; 坦白
an admission that one has lied 对自己说了谎的供认
Her resignation amounts to an admission of failure. 她的辞职等於承认失败. 4 (idm 习语) by/on one´s own ad`mission as one has oneself admitted 如其自己所承认的
He is a coward by his own admission. 他自己承认是个胆小鬼.