
n. 同等的人(或物), 坐标
a. 同等的, 并列的
vt. (使)协调
vi. (使)协调
【医】 协调的
【经】 共同

coordinate co-ordinate, n 1 (often 常作 coordinate) either of two numbers or letters used to fix the position of a point on a graph or map 坐标
the x and y coordinates on a graph 图表上的x和y坐标
coordinates of latitude and longitude 经纬度
[attrib 作定语] co-ordinate geometry, ie geometry using co-ordinates 解析几何. =>illus at map 见map. 2 co-ordinates [pl] matched items of women´s clothing (女子的)配套衣物. coordinate
co-ordinate, v [Tn,] ~ sth (with sth) cause (different parts, limbs, etc) to function together efficiently 使(各部分、 肢体等)协调, 协同动作
co-ordinate one´s movements when swimming 游泳时协调动作
We must co-ordinate our efforts (ie work together) to help the flood victims. 我们应该同心协力以援助遭水灾的灾民.
The plan was not (ie Its parts were not) very well co-ordinated. 这计划的各部分配合得不够好.