
n. 商议, 忠告, 法律顾问
vt. 商议, 劝告
vi. 商议, 劝告
【经】 律师, 法律顾问
take counsel with sb
counsel sb to go at once
counsel sb's going at once

counsel n 1 [U] (fml 文) advice; suggestions 劝告; 建议
Listen to the counsel of your elders. 听从长辈的劝告吧.
wise counsel 高明的建议. 2 [C] (pl unchanged 复数不变) barrister conducting a law case 讼务律师
counsel for the defence/prosecution 被告[原告]的律师
The court heard counsel for both sides. 法庭听取了双方律师的陈述. Cf 参看 King´s Counsel (king). 3 (idm 习语) a counsel of per`fection advice that is very good but is difficult or impossible to follow 难以照办的好建议. hold/take counsel with sb (fml 文) consult sb 与某人商量. keep one´s own `counsel keep one´s opinions, plans, etc secret 将自己的意见、 计划等保密. take `counsel together (fml 文) consult each other 共同商量. counsel v (-ll-; US also -l-) 1 [Tn] give professional advice to (sb with a problem) 向(某人)提供专业建议
a psychiatrist who counsels alcoholics 对酗酒者提出辅导的精神病科医生. 2 [Tn] give (the stated advice) 提出(劝告)
I would counsel caution in such a case. 我奉劝在此情况下务必小心. 3 [Dn.t] (fml 文) advise 劝告; 建议
He counselled them to give up the plan. 他建议他们放弃这项计划.