- affirmative easement 地役权
- affirmative plea 肯定的抗辩
- affirmative proof 确认的证据
- affirmative vote 赞成票
- affirmative warranty 肯定担保
- affix one's private mark 画押
- affixing of seal 盖印
- afford proof 提供证据
- affray n.吵架,滋事吵嘴,打架,闹事
- affreight 租船,雇船
- affreighter 租船者
- affront n.公开侮辱,轻蔑vt.公开侮辱,冒犯,
- aforementioned a.上述的,前述的前面提到过的,前述的
- aforesaid a.上述的,前述的如上所述的,上面提到的
- aforesaid right 此项权利,上述权利
- aforethought a.预谋的,故意的n.预谋预谋的,故意的
- aforethought malice 恶意预谋
- afoul ad.冲撞着破撞,缠住,冲突
- after consent 事后同意,承诺
- after date 出票后
- after the fact 事后
- after-acquired property 婚后取得的财产
- afterbirth n.胞衣遗腹子,胎胞
- afterclap n.意外后果节外生枝的事件,意外结果
- aftermath n.结果,后果后果,结果
- aftertcare 安置
- against public interest 与公共利益抵触
- against the form of the statute 违反法律规定,与法律规定不符
- age at entry into employment 就业年龄
- age at retirement 退休年龄
- age at withdrawal 退休年龄
- age discrimination 年龄歧视
- age for marriage 适婚年龄
- age of blood stain 血痕陈旧度
- age of criminal responsibility 刑事责任年龄
- age of discretion 责任能力年龄
- age of majority 成年,法定成年人年龄
- age of responsibility 责任年龄
- age of vessel 船龄
- ageism 年龄歧视
- agency by agreement 协议代理,委托代理
- agency by commission 代办商
- agency by estoppel 不可否认的代理
- agency by mandate 委任代理
- agency by ratification 经追认后的代理
- agency fee 代理费
- agency in fact 事实上的代理
- agency of necessity 紧急处分的代理
- agency on long-time basis 长期代理关系
- agency on trip basis 航次代理关系
- agency shop agreement 受雇人和工会之间的集体协定
- agenda items 议事项目
- agent of a company 公司代理人
- agent of overseas principal 海外代表
- agent of the commission agent 行纪人的代理人
- agent provocateur 奸细,煽动分子
- agent to accept process 送达代收人
- agent's remuneration 代理人酬金
- agent's tort 代理人的侵权行为
- ageny relation 代理关系
- ager publics 公有土地
- ager vectigalis 纳税地
- aggravated burglary 加重窃盗罪
- aggravated criminal responsibility 加重结果责任
- aggravated damages 加重侵占财产,严重损害
- aggravated larceny 加重窃盗罪
- aggravated libel 加重的诽谤
- aggravated misconduct 严重的不法行为
- aggravated negligence 重大过失
- aggravated punishment 加重的处罚
- aggravated theft 加重盗窃罪
- aggravation n.恶化,加重,恼怒加重,严重
- aggravation from repetiton 累犯之加重刑罚
- aggravation of penalty 刑罚加重,加重处罚
- aggravation of the situation 事态的恶化
- aggregate losses 总计损失
- aggregated rebate cartel 全体联合之卡特尔
- aggregatio mentium 意思表示一致时,即契约成立之时
- aggress vt.挑畔,侵犯,侵略vi.挑畔,侵犯,
- aggress against 挑衅,攻击,侵略
- aggressive a.侵略的,挑畔的,进取的侵略的,爱挑衅
- aggressive policy 侵略政策
- aggressive war 侵略战争
- aggressor n.侵略者,挑畔者侵略者,攻击者
- aggressor country 侵略国
- aggressor troop 侵略军队
- aggrieve vt.使委屈,使悲痛,侵害侵害,使悲痛,
- aggrieved alien 受害外籍人
- aggrieved person 被害人,受委屈者
- agitator of armed fighting 武装战,煽动者