- atone one's crime by good deeds 戴罪立功
- atonement n.赎罪,补偿补偿,赎回,赎罪
- atonomy 自治,自治权,自治团体
- atrocity n.残暴,凶恶,暴行暴行,残酷,残忍
- attachment of debt 债款扣押
- attachment of earnings 扣押工资
- attachment of privilege 向享有特权者所发之逮捕令状
- attachment of property 扣押财产
- attachment order 查对令,扣押令,拘提令
- attacing 扣押,查对,逮捕
- attack and retaliation 打击报复
- attainder n.被剥夺财产和公民权剥夺公权
- attempt n.尝试,企图vt.尝试,企图未遂罪,未
- attempt at an offence 未遂罪
- attempt to commit a crime 犯罪企图
- attempted burglary 未遂窃盗
- attempted contravention 违反的企图,意图触犯
- attempted crime 未遂罪
- attempted injury 伤害未遂
- attempted murder 谋杀未遂
- attempted rape 强奸未遂
- attempted robbery 抢劫未遂
- attempted suicide 自杀未遂
- attempted theft 盗窃未遂
- attempting for compromise 试图和解
- attempts to alarm or injury the king 企图威吓或伤害国王罪
- attend court 出庭
- attendance n.出席,出席的人数,照料管理,照料,资
- attendance centre 辅导中心
- attendance in chamber 在内庭出庭
- attendance of witness 证人出庭
- attendance order 出席令
- attending entering appearance 办理呈送到案状
- attentat 企图
- attermining 获准延期
- attestation of a deed 契据的证明
- attestation of honor 人格保证,人格担保
- attested copy 证件副本
- attesting 证明,证实,作证
- attestor n.证人,契约的连署人证人,证明者
- Attic code 亚狄克法典
- Attic faith 恪守不渝的信义坚定的信义
- attitude of absolute denial 完全否认的态度
- attitude toward admission of guilt 认罪态度
- attorney general's bill 呈送给大陪审团的诉状
- attorney of the day 值班律师
- attorney's lien 代理人的留置权,律师的留置权
- attorneyship n.代理权代理权,代理人的职务,身份
- attractive a.吸引人的,有魅力的有吸引力的,有迷惑
- autograph letter 亲笔信
- autograph writings 亲笔文据
- attribution n.归因归因,归属,属性
- auction by government 由政府拍卖
- auction of ship 船舶拍卖
- auction price 拍卖价格
- auctor 卖主,拍卖人
- audi alteram partem 听取另一方之词,听双方之词
- audience n.听众,观众,读者听讼,观众,听众相关
- audience of solicitor 律师出庭
- audit and control system 审核管理制度
- audit the books 查帐
- auditing body 审计机构
- auditor-general 审计长,总审计师
- aurhorize 授权,委托,认可
- aurhorized bond 核准发行的债券
- aurhorized buyer 认可的买主
- aurhorized by law 经法律许可
- aurhorized capital 核定的资本,授权资本
- aurhorized capital system 授权资本制
- aurhorized captial stock 核定的股本,法定股本
- aurhorized investment 授权投资,核准的投资
- aurhorized issue 授权资本
- aurhorized mortgage bonds 定额低押债券
- aurhorized officer 受权的官员
- aurhorized personnel 编制人员
- aurhorized representative 受权的代表
- authentic a.可靠的,可信的,真正的被认证的,确认
- authentic act 公证书
- authentic interpretation 可信解释,权威解释
- authentic writing 正本,确认的文书
- authenticate vt.证明可信,证实为真,使具法律效力认
- authentication of document 文件的认证
- author n.作家,作家的著作,创始人作者,著作人
- author of the injury 加害人
- authoritative a.权威性的,官方的,命令式的官方的,当
- authoritative interpretation 有权威的解释,有权解释
- authoritative precedent 权威性判例
- authority conferred by law 法律赋与的权力
- authority of agency 代理权
- authority of husband 夫权