- close breach of 侵入私有地
- close confinement 严格限制
- close imprisonment 秘密监禁
- close interpretation 严格的解释
- close of a bankruptcy 破产程序的终结
- close of argument at the first trial 一审辩论的终结
- close of pleading 言词辩论终结
- close prisoner 秘密人犯
- close relative 近亲属
- close rolls and close writs 密封口令
- close the polls 终止投票
- close with an offer 接受减价
- close writs 密封令
- close-up bullet wound 近射枪弹创
- closed area 禁区
- closed auction 非法开拍卖
- closed court 闭庭
- closed district 封锁区
- closed economics 关闭自守的经济
- closed issue 已决议的事项
- closed primary 闭锁式初选,排他性预选
- closed rule 定案规则
- closed sea 封海
- closed season 禁猎期
- closed session 禁止旁听的开庭
- closed treaty 不开放条约
- closed-door policy 关闭自守政策
- closed-ead mortgage 最高限额抵押
- closet consultation 秘密会议
- closet-homosexual 秘密同性恋者
- closing account 结帐,决算
- closing argument 辩论终结
- closing ceremony 闭幕典礼
- closing of the court 闭庭
- closing order 查封令
- closing statement 最后陈述
- closing the book 结帐
- closure n.关闭vt.使终止关闭,封闭,停止
- closure of border 封锁边界
- closure of debate 辩论终结
- closure of liquidation 清算完结
- closure of port 封港
- closure order 封闭令,查封令
- cloture n.讨论终结提付表决vt.以提付表决来结
- club to solving a case 破案线索
- clue n.线索,暗示vt.暗示,提供线索线索,
- co-accnsed 共同被告
- co-adjutor 助手
- co-administration 共同管理
- co-debtor 共同债务人
- co-defendant 共同被告
- co-owner of a ship 船舶共有人
- co-respondent 共同被告,离婚诉讼中的通奸者,共同答办人
- cobelligerent n.参战友国共同交战国
- coborrower 共同借款人
- cochair 联合主席,副主席
- cocontractor 共同承揽人,共同承包商
- code Coran 可兰法典
- code de commerce 商法典
- code flag 信号旗信号旗
- code form 密语
- code Justinian 查士丁尼法典
- code Nepoleon 拿破仑法典
- code of civil procedure 民事诉讼法
- code of criminal procedure 刑事诉讼法
- code of ethics 道德准则,道德规范
- code of Hammarabi 汉摩拉比法典
- code of honour 社交礼法
- code of international conduct 国际行为准则,国际行为规范
- code of Menes 美尼斯法典
- code of signals 讯号
- code of warfare 战争法典
- code of written law 成文法典
- code Thora 多拉法典
- codebtor 共同债务人
- codefendant 共同被告
- codicillary a.遗嘱附录的遗嘱附录
- codification conference 法典编纂会议
- codification of international law 国际法编纂
- codification of laws and regulations 法规编纂
- codified law 成文法律
- codifier 法典编纂者
- codify vt.编成法典使成文法化,编成法典,编纂
- codifying statute 法典编纂法
- coefficient of loading 载货容积系数
- coemption 囤积居奇,独占,搜购
- coequal a.同等的n.相互同等的人(或事)相互平
- coerced accomplice 胁众
- coercion n.强迫,威压,高压统治强迫,强制,高压
- coercion act 高压统治法