- capital-output ratio 资本一产值比率
- capitalism n.资本主义资本主义
- capitalist n.资本家,资本主义者a.资本主义的股东
- capitalistic production 资本主义生产,资本密集生产
- capitalization n.资本化,资本总额,本金化,大写(收益
- capitalization issue 资本化发行
- capitalization of earnings 盈余资本化
- capitalization of interests 以利息化为资本,利息的资本化
- capitalization of reserves 准备金的资本化
- capitalization rate 资本化率
- capitalization unit 资本化单位
- capitalize vt.以大写字母写,使资本化,估计...
- capitalized cost 投资成本,资本化的成本
- capitalized expense 资本化的费用,作资产的费用
- capitalized method 转化为资本的方法
- capitalized profits 已资本化的利润
- capitalized ratio 资本还原比率
- capitalized surplus 已资本化的盈余(公积),公积化资本
- capitalized value 资本化价值,资本还原值
- capitalized value standard 资本化价值一标准
- capitation n.人头税,每人均摊费按人计算(收费),
- capitation fee 均摊费(健康保险)均摊的费用
- capitation grant 发给每个人的补助金按人计算的补助费
- capitation taxes 人头税
- captain's declaration 船长申报单
- captain's entry 船长申报
- captain's protest 船长的抗议书
- captain's sea protest 船长海事报告
- caption of account 会计科目
- captive finance company 控制金融公司
- captive market 垄断市场
- capture market 夺取市场,占领市场
- car card 街车广告
- car fare 交通费,车费
- car insurance policy 车辆保险单
- car sales 汽车销售
- car seal 铅封
- car-mile 车英里
- caravan n.旅行队,有篷顶的大车商队,结队商贩
- carriage n.马车,客车,举止,运输搬运费,运费
- carriage contract 运送契约,运输合同
- carriage expense 搬运费
- carriage forward 运费交货时照付,运费由收货人支付
- carriage free 运费免付
- carriage note 运(取)货证
- carriage paid 运费付讫,运费在内,运费预付
- carried down 结转,转下
- carried interest 附股权益,干股权益
- carried interests in extractive industries 采掘工业中的附股权益
- carried over 过次页,转入
- carried party 权益转出方
- carrier n.运送者,邮递员,带菌者载波载体;运输
- catalytic converter 催化转化器触媒转换器
- catastrophe n.大灾难,大祸突变大灾难,大事故
- catastrophe excess of loss 巨灾超额赔款合同
- catastrophe hazard 巨灾危险
- card n.卡片,纸牌,节目单,明信片,梳棉机v
- card index 卡片索引卡片索引
- card ledger 卡片式分类帐
- card of account 分类帐目簿,总帐科目分类表
- card of ledger 卡片式分类帐,卡片式总帐
- card system 卡片系统,卡片式帐簿
- card system of accounting 卡片式会计
- cardinal number 基数基数基数
- cardinal princilpe 基本原理
- cardinal scales 基本尺度
- care of 由...转交转交
- career plan 终身职业计划,专职计划
- career training 专业训练,职业训练
- careful throughout plans 惨淡经营
- cargo n.货物货柜
- cargo accounting advice 货物帐款通知单
- cargo afloat 航运中货物
- cargo air teriff 货物空运费率表
- cargo all risks clause 货物综合险条款
- cargo attendants 货物押运人员
- cargo boat note 卸货记录
- cargo capacity 载货能力
- cargo certificate 货单
- cargo checker 点货员
- cargo claim 就载货的减失,损坏提出的索赔
- cargo consolidation 集中货物
- cargo consolidation scheme 货运统筹计划
- cargo consolidator 货物集中人,货物集运人
- cargo container 货物集装箱
- cargo damage prevention 预防货物损坏
- cargo damage survey 货损检验
- cargo deadweight tonnage 实载货吨位
- cargo freighter 货船
- cargo handling 货物装卸