- progress report 进展报告进度报告(表)
- progress to 发展成...,向...发展
- progressiva ophthalmoplegia 进行性眼肌麻痹
- progressive aging 渐进时效
- progressive amaurosis 进行性黑蒙
- progressive apoplexy 进行性卒中
- progressive average inventory method 累加平均盘存法
- progressive averages 累计平均数
- progressive bacterial synergistic gangrene 进行性细菌协同性坏疽
- progressive bulbar palsy 进行性延髓性麻痹
- progressive bulbar paralysis 进行性延髓性麻痹
- progressive cataract 进行性内障
- progressive charges 递变费用
- progressive coccidioidomycosis 进行性球孢子菌病
- progressive consumer 进步性的消费者
- progressive control 顺次控制,逐级前进控制
- progressive conversion model 渐进转化模型
- progressive cost 递增成本
- progressive deafness 进行性聋
- progressive defecation 逐步澄清
- progressive die 级进模
- progressive disclosure 逐步解密
- progressive drier 逐步干燥器
- progressive emphysematous necrosis 进行性气性坏死,气性蜂窝织炎
- progressive error 累进误差
- progressive facial atrophy 进行性面萎缩
- progressive failure 逐渐损坏
- progressive freezing 逐步冷冻法
- progressive gangrene 进行性坏疽
- progressive hunting 顺次寻线,逐级前进寻线
- progressive hypertrophic interstitial neuropathy 进行性肥大性间质性神经病
- progressive income tax 累进所得税
- progressive intussusception 进行性套迭
- progressive ledger (多栏)连续式分类帐
- progressive lenticular degeneration 进行性豆状核变性
- progressive lingual hemiatrophy 进行性偏侧舌萎缩
- progressive lipodystrophy 进行性脂肪营养不良
- progressive locomotor asynergy 进行性运动协同不能,脊髓痨
- progressive metaplasia 进行性转化
- progressive multiple hyaloserositis 进行性多发性透明性浆膜炎
- progressive muscular atrophy 进行性肌萎缩,慢性脊髓前角灰质炎
- progressive muscular dystrophy 进行性肌营养不良
- progressive muscular sclerosis 进行性肌硬化
- progressive myopia 进行性近视
- progressive myopia of children 儿童进行性近视
- progressive network 顺次网络,逐级前进网络
- progressive neuromuscular atrophy 进行性神经[病]性肌萎缩,进行性腓肌型肌
- progressive overflow 渐进溢出,顺次溢出
- progressive payment 累进(递增)付款
- progressive pernicious anemia 进行性恶性贫血
- progressive pigmentary dermatosis 进行性着色皮肤病
- progressive plastic yield 渐进塑性屈服
- progressive process 进行性过程
- progressive rate 累进税率
- progressive scanning 顺次扫描,顺序扫描
- progressive schedule 累进表
- progressive spastic paraplegia 进行性痉挛性截瘫
- progressive subcortical encephalopathy 进行性皮质下脑病,脱髓鞘性脑病
- progressive tax 累进税
- progressive tax rate 累进税率
- progressive tax rate on excess earning 超额收益累进税率
- progressive taxation 递增税,累进税
- progressive torsion spasm 进行性扭转痉挛,变形性肌张力障碍
- progressive total 累计额
- progressive unilateral facial atrophy 进行性偏侧面萎缩
- progressive wave 行波前进波
- proguanil hydrochloride 盐酸氯胍,白乐君
- progynon B 保女荣B,苯[甲]酸雌二醇
- prohibit entry 禁止申报,禁止进口
- prohibit from 禁止,阻止
- prohibited area 禁航区域,禁区
- prohibited articles 违禁品
- prohibited goods 违禁品
- prohibited immigrant 禁止入境的移民
- prohibited military zone 军事禁区
- prohibited publication 被禁止的出版物
- prohibited risk 拒保风险
- prohibited weapon 被禁止的武器
- prohibition law 禁酒法
- prohibition of gambling 禁赌
- prohibition of opium 禁止鸦片,禁毒
- prohibition of payment 停止支付令,禁止付款
- prohibition of private rights 私权禁令
- prohibition of use 禁止使用
- prohibition order 禁制令
- prohibitive duty 禁止性关税
- prohibitive import duties 抑制进口关税
- prohibitive inhibition 超限抑制
- prohibitive price 抑制购买的价格,高得使人不敢买的价格
- prohibitive tariff 抑制关税