- retail price 零售价
- retail price index 零售价格指数
- retail sales 零售销售额
- retail sales office 零售处
- retail sales tax 零售捐税
- retail section 小卖部
- retail selling 零星销售
- retail services 零售服务
- retail shipment 零星运输
- retail standard 零星商品标准
- retail store 零售商店
- retail store accounting 零售业会计
- retail terminal 零售终端
- retail trade 零售业,零碎生意
- retail trader 零售商
- retail trading 零售业
- retailing middleman 零售中间商
- retain a counsel 聘请撰状律师
- retain video memory 保留视屏内存保留视屏内存
- retained austenite 残留沃斯田铁
- retained earnings 保留盈余,留存收益
- retained earnings apropriated for contingencies 拨充意外事故准备的保留盈余(留存收益)
- retained earnings apropriated for plant expansion 拨作扩充厂房的留存收益
- retained earnings apropriated for possible future inventory losses 拨作未来存货损失的留存收益
- retained earnings apropriated for retirement of preferred stock 拨作回收优先股的留存收益
- retained earnings internal source of capital 保留盈余(资本的内部来源的)
- retained earnings statement 保留盈余(留存收益)表
- retained image 保持影像
- retained import 保留进口
- retained income 保留收益(留存收益)
- retained interest 保留权益
- retained moisture 残留水分
- retained placenta 胎盘滞留
- retained production payments 保留(留存)产品支付
- retained profit 保留利润(留存别润)
- retained strength 残留强度
- retained surplus 保留盈余(留存盈余)
- retained testicle 睾丸未降,隐睾
- retaineddeciduous teeth 滞留乳牙
- retainer bolt 止动螺钉
- retainer seal 护圈密封
- retaining device 固位器
- retaining fee 律师聘请费
- retaining plate 维持板
- retaining possession 保持占有权
- retaining powel 制动爪
- retaining ring 扣环
- retaining screw 固位螺旋,固位螺丝
- retaining valve 单向阀
- retaining wire 固位丝
- retaliatory duties 报复性的税
- retaliatory tariff 报复性关税报复性关税
- retaliatory tariffs 报复性关税,报复性关税率
- Retan's treatment 休息疗法
- retanning agent 复鞣剂
- retard transmitter 阻滞发射机
- retardation coil 抗流线圈
- retardation curve 减速曲线
- retardation of thought 思想迟缓
- retardation spectrum 推迟谱
- retardation time 推迟时间
- retardation time spectrum 推迟时间谱
- retarded admission 迟延进气
- retarded deciduous teeth 迟出乳牙
- retarded dentition 出牙延迟
- retarded depression 后抑郁
- retarded effect 推迟效应
- retarded electrode 隔离电极
- retarded eruption 过迟长出
- retarded oxidation 缓慢氧化
- retarded potential 推迟势
- retarded pulse 迟脉
- retarder HK-14 阻聚剂HK-14
- retarding agent 阻滞剂;迟延剂;抑制剂
- retarding effect 阻滞效应;萃取阻滞效应;抑制效应;推迟效
- retarding magnet 减速磁铁
- retarding-field oscillator 阻滞场振荡器
- retargetable microcode 可重定目标微代码
- rete acromiale 肩峰网
- rete adenoma of ovary 卵巢网腺瘤
- rete arterfosum 动脉网
- rete articulare cubiti 肘关节网
- rete articulare genu 膝关节网
- rete calcaneum 跟网
- rete canalis hypoglossi 舌下神经管[静脉]网
- rete carpi dorsale 腕背网
- rete carpi volare 腕掌网
- rete cords 网索
- rete cutaneum 皮[肤]网
- rete dorsale manns 手背网