- representative action 代理诉讼,代表诉讼
- representative by special invitation 特邀代表
- representative calculating operation 典型计算操作
- representative calculating time 典型计算时间
- representative capacity 代理人资格,代表资格
- representative circulating time 典型工作周期
- representative computing 典型计算
- representative computing time 典型计算时间
- representative director 代表董事
- representative element 代表元素
- representative ensemble 统计系综;吉布斯系综
- representative feeling 再现感觉,想象
- representative goods 代表性货物
- representative government 代议政府
- representative heir 代位继承人
- representative instance 代表实例
- representative institution 代议制机构
- representative method of computing 典型计算法
- representative money 纸币,代表货币
- representative office 代表处
- representative organ of the people 人民代表机关
- representative point 相点
- representative sample 代表性试样代表抽样
- representative simulation 代表模拟
- representative system 代议制
- representative value 典型值代表值
- represention rights 代表权
- representional faithfulness 描述的忠实性
- repressed inflation 受压制通货膨胀
- repressive measures 镇压措施,镇压手段
- repressive tax 抑制税
- reprimand sb for sth 为某事申斥某人
- reprimand sb. for sth. 为某事训斥某人
- reproach sb. for sth. 为某事训斥某人
- reprocessing analysis 后处理分析;核燃料后处理分析
- reprocessing and repacking cost 再加工和再包装成本
- reprocessing plant 后处理工厂;核燃料后处理工厂
- reproduce head 再生磁头
- reproducer unit 复制器,复印器
- reproducible assets 可再生产资产
- reproducible wealth 能再生产的财富
- reproducing circuit 再生电路
- reproducing puncher 复穿孔机,卡片复孔机
- reproducing stylus 重制唱针
- reproducing unit 复穿孔装置
- reproduction by division 分裂生殖
- reproduction code 再现代码
- reproduction cost 再生产成本,重置成本,复制成本
- reproduction cost new 重新再生产成本
- reproduction method of depreciation 重制折旧法
- reproduction of information 信息再生
- reproduction process 复制过程
- reproduction rate 生殖率
- reproduction ratio 再生比
- reproduction replica 复制副本
- reproduction speed 重现速率
- reproduction value 再生产价值,复制价值
- reproduction-cost standard 再生产成本标准
- reproductive cycle 生殖周期
- reproductive debt 再生产债务
- reproductive insanity 胎产期精神病,产褥期精神病
- reproductive investment 再生产投资
- reproductive nuclei 生殖核,小核
- reproductive sense 生殖感觉
- reproductive system 生殖系统
- reprogrammable equipment 可改编程序的设备
- reprogrammable read-only memory 可改编程序的只读存储器
- reprogramming software 重编程序软件
- reprove sb for sth 为某事责备某人,为某事谴责某人
- reprove sb. for sth. 为某事责备某人
- republican party 共和党
- repudiation of claims 拒绝赔付
- repugnance of statement 说法不一致
- repulsion motor 推斥电动机
- repulsion-induction motor 推斥感应电动机
- repulsion-start induction-run motor 推斥起动感应运转电动机
- repulsive potential energy surface 推斥型势能面
- repurchase agreement 购回协议
- repurchased stock 再购入股份
- reputable citizen 好公民,有声誉的公民
- reputation and connections 信誉与顾客
- reputed father 公众推测的父亲
- reputed owner 视作所有人,名义所有人
- reputed thief 共知的盗贼,大家可以推测的盗贼
- reqcquisition time 再获得时间
- request blank 申请书(单)
- request block 请求分程序,请求块
- request block queue 请求块排队
- request call 请求呼叫,请求调用
- request channel 请求通道