- scope of name 名字作用域
- scope of offical duty 职责范围
- scope of program identifier 程序标识符范围
- scope of quantifier 量词辖域;量词作用域;符号名作用域
- scope of repairing course 修理范围
- scope of supply 供货范围
- scope of symbolic name 符号名作用域
- scope of validity 效力范围
- scope of variable 变量作用域
- scope of work 工作范围
- scope rule 作用域规则
- Scophony television system Scophony电视系统
- scopolamine hydrobromide 东莨菪碱氢溴酸盐氢溴酸东茛菪硷
- scopolamine stable 稳定性东茛菪硷,甘露醇东茛菪硷
- Scopolia carniolica 欧茛菪
- Scopolia duboisia 澳茛菪
- Scopolia japonica Maxim 东茛菪
- scopolic acid 莨菪酸
- scopomorphine poisoning 莨菪硷吗啡中毒
- Scopulariopsis brevicaulis 短尾帚属
- scorbutic anemia 坏血病贫血
- scorbutic diathesis 坏血病素质
- scorbutic dysentery 坏血病性痢疾
- scorbutic ulitis 坏血病龈炎
- scorbutica stomatitis 坏血病口炎
- scorbutus infantum 婴儿坏血病
- scorbutus nauticus 船员坏血病
- scorbutus oris 走马疳
- scorch retarder 防焦剂
- scorched rubber 早期硫化橡胶
- score a hit 命中
- score off sb. 驳倒某人
- score out 划掉,删去
- score system 记分系统
- score under 在下面划线,强调
- score up 记下,记入帐
- scored card 带刻线卡片
- scores of 大量的
- scores of years ago 许多年前
- scoring system 划线系统
- Scorpio maurus 暗蝎(产于南欧)
- scorpioid cyme 蝎尾状聚щ花序
- scorpion sting 蝎螫伤
- scorpion toxin 蝎毒素
- scorpion venom 蝎毒
- scorpion-venom antitoxin 抗蝎毒素
- scot and lot 普通税,分担财政负担,按能力支付教区税
- Scotch bath 苏格兰[式]浴
- Scotch boiler 苏格兰锅炉
- Scotch broth 苏格兰浓汤
- Scotch collops 洋葱牛排
- scotch cousin 远亲
- Scotch douche 冷热交替冲洗
- Scotch mist 山霭,苏格兰雾
- scotch tape n.透明胶带
- Scotch verdict 苏格兰式判决,非最终决定
- scoterythrous vision 红色盲(弱视)
- scotopic dominator 低照度优性质
- scotopic eye 暗适应眼
- scotopic vision 暗视觉
- scott connection Scott连接法
- Scott evaporator 斯科特蒸发器
- Scott tester 斯科特试验机
- Scott's dressing 斯科特氏敷料,复方汞软膏
- Scott-Wilson reagent 斯-威二氏试剂
- Scott-Wilson's methods 斯-威二氏法(检丙酮及乙酰乙酸)
- scour after sb. 追寻某人
- scour for 搜索
- scour off 擦掉,洗去
- scour out 冲刷成
- scour the city for the thief 全城搜索盗贼
- scour the country 四处搜索,八方寻找
- scouring agent 擦洗剂;擦净剂
- scouring pad 擦洗片;擦洗纸片
- scouring powder 擦洗粉;擦净粉
- scout about for 到处搜索
- scout aeroplane 侦察飞机
- scout at 嘲笑
- scout car 巡逻车
- scouting aeroplane 侦察飞机
- scowl at 怒视
- scowl on 怒视
- scrabble about for 到处摸索
- scrabble for 争夺,挣扎
- scrabble up 拼凑成
- scramble for 争夺,勉强拼凑
- scramble network 杂混网络,不规则网络
- scramble non-return-to-zero change on one 加扰逢"1"变化不归零制
- scramble pattern 不规则模式,不规则格式
- scramble rule 杂混规则