- throw together 匆匆拼凑
- throw up 呕吐,猛地举起,放弃,产生,使显眼
- throw up one's eyes 惊呆
- throw up one's hands 绝望
- throw up the sponge 认输,放弃不干
- throw vitriol at 浇硫酸于...以毁其容貌
- throw vitriol over 泼硫酸以毁容貌
- throw-away character 废弃字符
- throw-away compiling 废弃编译
- throw-off carrage 卸料车
- throw-out spiral 投出螺簧
- throwing power 均镀能力;覆盖力;覆盖力电镀
- thru hole 通孔,贯通孔
- thru-hole connection 通过孔连接
- thrush breast 鹅口疮状心白斑
- thrush breast heart 斑纹心
- thrust a dagger 用匕首刺入
- thrust ashore 强行登岸
- thrust at sb with a knife 用刀戳某人
- thrust balancing device 推力平衡装置
- thrust ball bearing 推力滚珠轴承
- thrust bearing 推力轴承;止推轴承
- thrust block 止推轴承,推力轴承
- thrust collar 止推环;止推轴承定位环
- thrust collar bearing 套环止推轴承
- thrust culture 针刺培养
- thrust load(ing) 推力负荷
- thrust metal 推力轴承座
- thrust of pump 泵推力
- thrust one's fist into sb's face 用拳头猛击某人面部
- thrust one's way through a crowd 挤过人群
- thrust oneself in 干涉,强行闯入
- thrust pad 止推轴承调节垫
- thrust ring 止推环
- thrust runner 推力轴承滑道
- thrust shaft 推力轴,推力传导轴
- thrust sth down sb's throat 把事物硬塞给某人吃下去,填鸭式地反复对某
- thrust sth upon sb 将某事强加于某人
- thrust washer 推力垫圈;止推垫圈
- Thudichum's test 土迪休姆氏试验(检肌酸酐)
- Thue system 图厄系统
- thuja oil 香柏叶油
- Thuja orientalis L. 侧柏
- thujetic acid ┖介酸
- thujic acid ┖酸
- thujyl alcohol ┖醇侧伯醇
- thulium chloride 氯化铥
- thulium hydroxide 氢氧化铥
- thulium nitrate 硝酸铥
- thulium oxalate 草酸铥
- thulium sulfate 硫酸铥
- thumb a lift 要求搭车
- thumb center 拇指中枢
- thumb forceps 按捏镊
- thumb impression 拇指印
- thumb in fingers out 拇指内,四指外
- thumb index 书边挖月索引
- thumb lancet 宽柳叶刀
- thumb nut 翼形螺帽
- thumb pin 图钉
- thumb print 拇指纹,拇指印
- thumb reflex 拇指反射
- thumb screw 蝶形螺钉
- thumb sucking 吸拇癖,吮拇癖
- thumb through 翻查
- thumb through the records of 翻...的老帐
- thumb-nail test 拇尖试验(检髌骨骨折)
- thumbs up 翘起姆指
- Thunberg's respirator 通伯格氏呼吸器
- thunburg technique 桑伯格技术
- thunder against 疾呼反对...,恐吓
- thunder blows upon 轰击...
- thunder threats at sb 大声恐吓某人
- thurfyl nicotinate 烟酸呋酯;烟酸氢糠酯
- thus and so 如此这般
- thus and thus 如此这般
- thus far 迄今为止,就此范围说来,就此程度说来,到
- thus much 这些,到此
- thus worded 如此措辞,这样措辞
- thuzic acid 侧柏酸
- Thylox process 泰洛克斯法
- thyme camphor 百里酚
- thyme oil 百里香油
- thymic acid 胸腺酸胸腺核甙酸
- thymic asthma 胸腺性气喘,波特氏气喘
- thymic carcinoma 胸腺癌
- thymic leukemia 胸腺性白血病
- thymic sarcoma 胸腺肉瘤
- thymidine diphosphate(TDP,dTDP) 胸苷二磷酸
- thymidylate synthetase 胸苷酸合成酶