- with responsibility for 负责
- with retained ownership 保留所有权
- with right 有认购新股的权利
- with sb's permission 在某人许可的情况下
- with shoulders thrown back 挺着胸
- with split boss arm 分毂横旋刀架
- with staring eyes 凝视地,目不转睛地
- with stars in one's eyes 得意地
- with starting eyes 眼睛瞪得大大地
- WITH statement 限定语句
- with sth in mind 把...放在心上,记着...
- with strong hand 用强制手段
- with suspicion 怀疑地有嫌疑,有怀疑
- with tail in the water 兴旺,发达
- with that 接着就
- with the aid of... 籍助于...
- with the best 跟任何人一样好,不比任何人差
- with the concurrence of 在...的同意下
- with the consent of... 经...同意
- with the exception of 除...以外除...外
- with the exception of... 除...外
- with the fixed period 指定期限内
- with the lid off 开着盖子,使丑事暴露
- with the naked eye 用肉眼
- with the proper time 如期
- with the proviso that... 以...为条件
- with the purpose of 为了...
- with the result that 其结果是...
- with the sun 朝着顺时针方向
- with the tail between the legs 夹着尾巴,灰溜溜地
- with the utmost pleasure 极其高兴地
- with the utmost promptitude 极其敏捷地
- with the view of 以...为目的为了...目的
- with this 说完这个就,这样说着就
- with this proviso that 以...为条件
- with this understanding 在此条件下
- with ulterior motives 别有用心地
- with unceasing vigilance 常备不懈地
- with unconcern 怀着对某事漠不关心的态度
- with undue haste 过于匆忙地
- with unfailing courage 有无穷勇气地
- with unfailing interest 始终感兴趣地
- with unseemly eyes 视而不见地
- with violence 猛烈地
- with wishful eyes 望眼欲穿地
- with young 怀胎
- with zest 热情地,热心地
- withaferin A 魏菲灵A
- Withania somnifera 南非醉茄(茄科)
- withanic acid 睡茄酸
- withdraw a bill 撤销议案
- withdraw a charge 撤回一项控告
- withdraw a claim 撤回诉讼,放弃要求
- withdraw a confession 翻供
- withdraw an action 撤回诉讼
- withdraw an order 撤销命令
- withdraw court 退庭
- withdraw deposit 提取存款
- withdraw from 退出,离开
- withdraw from business 歇业
- withdraw one's bid 收回投标
- withdraw tool 拆卸工具
- withdrawable on demand 可随时索回
- withdrawal by notice 通知退约,通知退出,通知回避
- withdrawal by petition 申请回避
- withdrawal effect 脱瘾作用
- withdrawal from circulation 退出流通
- withdrawal from treaty 退出条约
- withdrawal of a juror 撤回一名陪审员,要求一名陪审员回避
- withdrawal of appearance 回避出庭
- withdrawal of assets 资产的回收
- withdrawal of candidacy 撤销候选资格
- withdrawal of charges 撤回指控
- withdrawal of claim 撤回要求
- withdrawal of motion 撤回动议
- withdrawal of proposal 撤回提案
- withdrawal reflex 屈肌反射
- withdrawal share 退股
- withdrawal symptoms 断除症状,脱瘾症状
- withdrawing a juror 使一名陪审员回避
- withdrawing partner 退伙人
- withdrawing record 撤回案件记录
- wither up 枯萎
- withering cancer 硬癌
- withering sarcoma 蕈样真菌病
- withhold agent 扣缴义务人
- withhold at source 从(收入)来源预扣(缴)
- withhold from doing sth 忍着不做某事
- withhold income tax 预扣(缴)所得税,预提所得税
- withhold one's consent 不同意