run over

跑过去, 溢出, 超过限度, 扼要复述, 匆匆看, 辗过
【化】 沸腾翻出
run over的短语、例句:
run over (of a container or its contents) overflow (指容器或所盛之物)溢出
The bath/The bath water is running over. 浴缸[浴缸的水]溢出来了. run over sb; run sb over (of a vehicle or its driver) knock sb down and pass over (a part of) his body (指车辆或驾驶人)撞倒某人并轧过其身体(之一部分)
I ran over a cat last night. 我昨晚开车轧著了一只猫.
Two children were run over by a lorry and killed. 有两个孩子被一辆卡车轧死了. run over sth read through sth quickly; revise or rehearse sth 快速阅读某物; 温习或演习某事物
I always run over my lines before going on stage. 我登台演出前总要温习一下台词.
She ran over her notes before giving the lecture. 她讲课前把讲稿匆匆看了一遍.