
n. 匙, 调羹, 匙形工具
vt. 以匙舀起, 调情, 使成匙状
【医】 匙
make a spoon or spoil the horn
stick one's spoon in the wall
spoon n (often in compounds 常用以构成复合词) 1 utensil with a shallow oval or round bowl on a handle, used for stirring, serving and taking up food (esp puddings and soups) to the mouth 杓; 匙子; 羹匙
a large wooden `spoon 大木杓
a `tablespoon 大餐匙
a `soup-spoon 汤匙 * a `teaspoon 茶匙. 2 amount this can hold; spoonful 一杓的量
Two spoons of sugar, please. 请放两匙糖. 3 (idm 习语) born with a silver spoon in one´s mouth => born. spoon, v [Tn.pr, Tn.p] 1 lift and move (sth) with a spoon in the specified way or direction 用杓舀(某物)
spoon sugar from the packet into a bowl 把食糖从袋子中舀到糖罐里
spoon up one´s soup 用杓舀汤
spoon out the peas 用匙子舀取豌豆. 2 ~ sth (up) hit (a ball) feebly upwards 轻轻向上击(球).