spoon nail
栏目: 英汉词典 查阅: 49次
【医】 匙形甲
标签:spoon nail,用法,音标,短语
- egg-spoon n.吃煮蛋的小匙,蛋匙...
- spoon-feed vt.用匙喂,填鸭式教育vi....
- wooden spoon 末名奖,木匙...
- ear spoon 耳匙...
- Daviel's spoon 达维耳氏匙,晶状体匙...
- cataract-spoon 内障匙...
- born with a silver spoon in one's mouth 生在富贵人家...
- combustion spoon 燃烧匙...
- Volkmann's spoon 福耳克曼氏匙,锐匙...
- make a spoon or spoil the horn 孤注一掷...
- He that sups with the devil must have a long spoon 与坏人交往必须谨慎...
- spoon-fed a.用匙喂的,被宠坏的,受填鸭...
- spoon n.匙,调羹,匙形工具vt.以...
- sampling spoon 取样勺...
- surgical spoon 手术匙...
- soup spoon 汤匙...
- lens spoon 晶状体匙...
- test spoon 试验用匙...
- spoon-fashion ad.面对背叠着,面对背紧贴着...
- deflagrating spoon 暴燃匙...