- after-acquired property clause 后取得财产条款
- after-arrival-of-goods draft 货物到达后见票即付汇票
- after-closing trial balance 结帐后试算表
- after-cost 后续成本,后生成本
- after-date bill 出票后定期付款票据
- after-only design 事后设计
- after-sales service 售后服务
- after-seperation costs 分离后成本
- after-service export 提供服务的出口
- after-tax income 纳税后收入
- after-tax profits 税后利润(纳税后利润)
- after-tax yield 税后收益(付税后收益)率
- afternoon buyer 趁行市跌价买进的人
- afternoon change 交易所午后的行市
- afternoon clearing 午后票据交换
- afternoon market 午后的行市
- afternoon session 午后的行市,后市
- against actuals 现货兑换期货
- against documents 凭单据
- against the box 以保险箱为抵
- against the letter of credit 依据信用证
- against the next payment of tax 抵作下期税款
- age n.年龄,老年,成年,寿命,时代,时期v
- age depreciation 按船(年)龄折旧
- age distribution 年龄分布帐龄分类,职工年龄分布
- age of high mass-consumption 高水准大量消费时代
- age of receivables 应收帐款帐龄
- aged trial balance 过期的试算表
- ageing population 人口老化
- agency n.代理机构,经销商,中介办事处代理,代
- agency accounting 代理店(经销处)会计
- agency accounts 代理人帐,分经理帐,代理店(经销处)帐
- agency agreement 代理协议
- agency and trust funds 代理和信托基金
- agency commission 代理手续费
- agency contract 代理合同
- agency coupled with an interest 结合利害关系的代理
- agency endorsement 代理背书
- agency fund 代管款,代收款,代管基金
- agency of international development 国际开发署
- agency receipt 代收款收据
- agency shop 工会代理工厂
- agency superintendency 代理业务监督
- agency-in-charge 主管机关
- agenda pl.议程,日常工作事项待议事件议程,议
- agenda item 议程项目
- agenda sheets 记事单,备忘单
- agent n.代理商,政府代表,动原,媒介代理程序
- agent ad litem 诉讼代理人
- agent bank 代理银行
- agent bank fee 代理银行费用
- agent de change 证券经纪人
- agent middleman 代理中间人
- agent service 代理业务
- agent without authority 未授权的代理人
- agent's accountability ledger 代理会计责任总(明细)表
- agent's lien 代理人留置权,代理人扣押权
- agent's torts 代理人的侵权行为
- Agentine 啊根廷
- agents of production 生产要素
- agglomeration n.结块,聚结,大块附聚;附聚作用;烧结
- aggregate n.合计,总计,聚集体a.合计的,聚集的
- aggregate amount 总金额
- aggregate amount of letter of credit 信用证总额
- aggregate balance 余额总计
- aggregate balance sheet 合并资产负债表
- aggregate cash inflows 现金流入总额
- aggregate cash outflows 现金流出总额
- aggregate consumption 总消耗量,总消费量
- aggregate consumption expenditure 总消费支出
- aggregate corporation 社团法人
- aggregate cost of coverage 承保总值
- aggregate demand 总需求
- aggregate fund 公积金总计
- aggregate income 总收入
- aggregate liability 债务总额
- aggregate output 集合输出总生产额
- aggregate planning 总体规划,总体计划
- aggregate plans and programs 总体计划和总体规划
- aggregate scheduling 总进度计划
- aggregate social product 社会总产品
- aggregate supply 累积总供应
- aggregate tonnage (船的)总吨位
- aggregate value method 合计价值法
- aggregate-of-intermediates clause 联运费率
- aggregatio mentum 合同当事人意见一致
- aggregative economics 宏观经济学
- aggregative index number 综合指数
- aggregative investment 进取性投资
- aggregative portfolio 进取性证券