
(Doors remain closed. Gandalf begins to push it. Time goes. The rest of the Fellowship sits around the doors, waiting for Gandalf to open it)

Gandalf: I once knew every spell in all the tongues of the Elves, Men, and Orcs.

Pippin: What are you going to do, then?

Gandalf: Knock your head against these doors, Peregrin Took! And if that does not shatter them and I am allowed a little peace from foolish questions I will try to find the opening words.

Gandalf: Ando Eldarinwa a lasta quettanya, Fenda Casarinwa! *Gate of Elves listen to my word, Threshold of Dwarves!*

(The doors stay shut. Aragorn takes of Bill's bridle as Sam pets Bill good bye)

Aragorn: The mines are no place for a pony, even one so brave as Bill.

Sam: Bye-bye Bill

Aragorn: Go on, Bill, go on. Don't worry Sam, he knows the way home.

(Merry throws a stone into the water. Pippin is about to as well, but Aragorn stops him)

Aragorn: Do not disturb the water.

(In the meantime, Gandalf gives up and throws his staff on the ground)

Gandalf: Oh, it's useless!

(Boromir and Aragorn watch the water as they see something move in it. Frodo looks at the doors, and then as if something popped into his head, he get's up)

Frodo: It's a riddle. Speak "friend" and enter. What's the Elvish word for friend?

Gandalf: Mellon

(The stone doors opens slowly. Everyone turn in surprise and they enter Moria)

Gimli: Soon master Elf you will enjoy the fabled hospitality of the Dwarves. Roaring fires, malt beer, ripe meat off the bone! This, my friend, is the home of my cousin Balin. And they call it a mine. A mine!

Boromir: This is no mine. It's a tomb!

(Dead Dwarves lie everywhere on the floor)

Gimli: Oh! No! Nooo!!!

(Legolas picks up an arrow from the body of a fallen dwarf, looks at it carefully and throws it away in disgust)

Legolas: Goblins!

(Legolas puts and arrow to his bow, Aragorn and Boromir draw out their swords)

Boromir: We make for the Gap of Rohan. We should never have come here.

(The panic starts to grow, the Hobbits back towards the door. What they don't notice is that something is stirring in the water outside)

Boromir: Now get out of here! Get out!

(Everyone heads for the exit. Suddenly Frodo is grabbed from behind and pulled out of the cave Watcher in the water)

Sam, Merry, and Pippin: Frodo!

Sam: Strider!

Frodo: Help!

Sam: Get off him!

(Sam cuts off a tentacle. The Watcher releases Frodo for a second, and moves back under the water. Suddenly many tentacles comes out of the water, it hits the other hobbits aside and grabs Frodo again. He is pulled into the air)

Frodo: Aah!

Merry: Aragorn!
